We've got this cool ->andWhere()
method that searches on the name
or iconKey
properties of the Category
entity. But could we also search on the fortune cookie data inside each category? Sure!
Let's see how that relation is set up. In Category
, we have a OneToMany
relationship on a property called $fortuneCookies
over to the FortuneCookie
If we think about the problem from a database perspective, in order to update our WHERE
clause to include WHERE fortune_cookie.fortune = :searchTerm
, we first need to JOIN
to the fortune_cookie
And that is what we're going to do in Doctrine... except with a twist. Instead of thinking about joining across tables, we're going to think about joining across entity classes. This might feel weird at first, but it's super cool. In this case, we want to JOIN
across this fortuneCookies
property over to the FortuneCookie
Let's do it! Back over in CategoryRepository
... we can add the join anywhere in the query. Unlike SQL, the QueryBuilder doesn't care what order you do things. Add ->leftJoin()
because we're joining from one category to many fortune cookies. Pass this category.fortuneCookies
then fortuneCookie
, which will be the alias for the joined entity.
... lines 1 - 17 | |
class CategoryRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository | |
{ | |
... lines 20 - 40 | |
public function search(string $term): array | |
{ | |
return $this->createQueryBuilder('category') | |
->leftJoin('category.fortuneCookies', 'fortuneCookie') | |
... lines 45 - 49 | |
} | |
... lines 51 - 93 | |
} |
When we say category.fortuneCookies
, we're referring to the fortuneCookies
property. The cool thing is that... this is all we need! We don't need to tell Doctrine which entity or table we're joining to... and we don't need the ON fortune_cookie.category_id =
that we would normally see in SQL. We don't need any of this because Doctrine already has that info on the OneToMany
mapping. We just say "join across this property" and it does the rest!
One thing to keep in mind, which we'll talk more about in a minute, is that, by joining over to something, we're not selecting more data. We're just making the properties on FortuneCookie
available inside our query. This means we can make the ->andWhere()
even longer. Add OR fortuneCookie
(using the new alias from the join) .fortune
(because fortune
is the name of the property on FortuneCookie
that stores the text) LIKE :searchTerm
... lines 1 - 40 | |
public function search(string $term): array | |
{ | |
return $this->createQueryBuilder('category') | |
... line 44 | |
->andWhere(' LIKE :searchTerm OR category.iconKey LIKE :searchTerm OR fortuneCookie.fortune LIKE :searchTerm') | |
... lines 46 - 49 | |
} | |
... lines 51 - 95 |
Done! Head back to the site. One of my fortunes has the word "conclusion". Spin over to the homepage, search for "conclusion" and... got it! It looks like we have at least one match in our "Proverbs" category! Missing accomplished!
But if you click on the database icon of the web debug toolbar... this page has two queries. The first is for the category - it has FROM category
and includes the LEFT JOIN
we just added. The second is FROM fortune_cookie
And if we go to the homepage without searching, there are seven queries in total: one to fetch all the categories... and then an additional 6 to find the fortune cookies for each of the six categories. This is called the N+1 query problem. Let's talk about it next and fix it with joins.
"Houston: no signs of life"
Start the conversation!
// composer.json
"require": {
"php": ">=8.1",
"ext-ctype": "*",
"ext-iconv": "*",
"beberlei/doctrineextensions": "^1.3", // v1.3.0
"doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "^2.7", // 2.9.1
"doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle": "^3.2", // 3.2.2
"doctrine/orm": "^2.13", // 2.15.1
"symfony/asset": "6.2.*", // v6.2.7
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"symfony/webpack-encore-bundle": "^1.16", // v1.16.1
"symfony/yaml": "6.2.*" // v6.2.10
"require-dev": {
"doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "^3.4", // 3.4.4
"symfony/maker-bundle": "^1.47", // v1.48.0
"symfony/stopwatch": "6.2.*", // v6.2.7
"symfony/web-profiler-bundle": "6.2.*", // v6.2.10
"zenstruck/foundry": "^1.22" // v1.32.0