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Cleanup Before Snapshotting (e.g. Modals)

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Refresh the page, open a modal, click back, then click forward again. Say hello to a very strange-looking page. The modal did not completely hide itself. The problem is that hiding a modal is asynchronous: Bootstrap waits for the transition to finish before finally removing all of the elements, like its backdrop.

But the snapshot does not wait: Turbo takes the snapshot immediately, which is when the modal has only started to be removed and its backdrop is still visible. Worse, because the modal element is technically removed from the page, it's CSS transition is canceled. That's... a very low-level detail... but it means that Bootstrap's modal system is never notified that the animation finished, and so it never does its final cleanup.

Forcing Bootstrap's Modal to Close Immediately

The solution is to force both the modal and the backdrop to hide synchronously in this situation: to not use the animation that you normally see on close.

Telling a modal that you want it to work without an animation is something you can configure. But I don't want to remove the animation entirely: I only want to remove it when I'm hiding it right before the snapshot is taken. Unfortunately, changing whether or not you want a modal to have an animation after you create it is... well... not something that's really supported.

So... it's a bit ugly to get this working. I'll paste in the code.

26 lines assets/app.js
... lines 1 - 13
import { Modal } from 'bootstrap';
document.addEventListener('turbo:before-cache', () => {
if (document.body.classList.contains('modal-open')) {
const modalEl = document.querySelector('.modal');
const modal = Modal.getInstance(modalEl);
modal._backdrop._config.isAnimated = false;

This does the same thing as before: it finds the element, gets the modal instance and calls hide() on it. But it also does some extra stuff. Most importantly, before it hides, we remove the fade class from the modal. We also reach into this ugly internal backdrop object's config to set an isAnimated flag to false.

The results is that bootstrap will now know that both the modal and the backdrop should not use an animation: both should hide instantly.

The precise fix for this type of problem will be different each time you run into it. And usually, you'll need to dig around in the third-party code a bit to find out the best option. Figuring this out, I admit, was tricky. But ultimately don't over-think it: your goal is to basically clear out any elements that you don't want visible in the snapshot. Often, you can just find the problematic element and remove it.

The good news about what we have here is that this will fix the problem for the entire site. Let's see it. Refresh the page, open the modal, click back, click forward and... yes! It's gone. If we click to add a new product, the modal still works! You might notice that the backdrop is missing... but that's only due to the bug in Bootstrap 5.0.1 that I mentioned earlier. That will not be a problem in 5.0.2.

Dynamically Disabling Snapshot Caches

By the way, if you're having trouble figuring out how to clean up some third party code before the page is snapshotted, there is one other, less-elegant, but simpler solution. Instead of trying to remove the problematic element, you could disable the snapshot cache only when that element is open.

I won't actually try this live in the video, but let's see how this might work. Bootstrap's modal system dispatches an event both when a modal is opened and when it's hidden. We can use that to add and remove the turbo-cache-control meta tag that we saw earlier.

For example, check out this code:

// assets/app.js
const findCacheControlMeta = () => {
    return document.querySelector('meta[name="turbo-cache-control"]');

document.addEventListener('show.bs.modal', () => {
    if (findCacheControlMeta()) {
        // don't modify an existing one

    const meta = document.createElement('meta');
    meta.name = 'turbo-cache-control';
    meta.content = 'no-cache';
    meta.dataset.removable = true;

This listens to the show.bs.modal event, which is dispatched every time any modal is opened. Inside, if there is already a turbo-cache-control meta tag, we do nothing: we don't want to change any cache behavior. But if there is not one, we add a turbo-cache-control set to no-cache.

Thanks to this, if we leave the page when the modal is open, Turbo will see that this page should not be cached. Hitting back or revisiting the page will result in a normal navigation visit where no snapshot is used.

Notice that I added an extra removable key to the meta tag's dataset. That's useful when removing this meta tag when the modal closes. Check out the other half of this code:

// assets/app.js
const findCacheControlMeta = () => {
    return document.querySelector('meta[name="turbo-cache-control"]');

// ...

document.addEventListener('hidden.bs.modal', () => {
    const meta = findCacheControlMeta();
    // only remove it if we added it
    if (!meta || !meta.dataset.removable) {


The hidden.bs.modal event is dispatched after a modal has been fully removed from the page. If we find a turbo-cache-control meta tag and it has the removable data key - which means we added it - we know it can now be safely removed. Thanks to this, if we navigate away from the page, Turbo will create a snapshot like normal.

This solution is, maybe less-elegant than the one I'm using... but in practice, it works really well, and could be repeated for any other problematic JavaScript elements on your site.

Next: now that we've crushed the Bootstrap modal, let's see one other example with a Sweetalert modal. I'll also show you a Webpack trick where we can import Sweetalert to help us hide the element... but without causing SweetAlert's JavaScript to be downloaded on every page.

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Quentin-D Avatar
Quentin-D Avatar Quentin-D | posted 9 months ago

That's a very clever solution , like your courses for this kind of reflexion .
And it work for every kind of third part code that have events .

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What JavaScript libraries does this tutorial use?

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