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Swiftmailer Spooling and Handling Failures

Swiftmailer Spooling and Handling Failures

From Philipp Rieber

Hi, I’m using swiftmailer’s file spooling and I’m flushing the queue every minute using a cron task:

app/console swiftmailer:spool:send --env=prod > /dev/null 2>>app/logs/error.log

Due to SMTP errors like “554 Message rejected: Address blacklisted” or “554 Message rejected: Email address is not verified” some message files remain in the spool directory and swiftmailer tries to send them over and over again following the “recovery-timeout” setting of the command (default = 15 minutes).

The problem is that a single exception during the sending process cancels the whole command. So if there are more than 15 “xxx.message.sending” files in the spool directory after a while and the cron job runs every minute with a recovery-timeout of 15 minutes, then the new messages won’t get sent any more. How can I handle that? Do I need an additional command to remove old “xxx.message.sending” files, e.g by wrapping and extending the swiftmailer:spool:send command?

Currently I remove the old files manually from time to time and according to Google I’m the only one having this issue ;-)

Thank you!


Woh, tough question! So, let’s see what we can do. First, let’s me give everyone else a little background by building a test project. Even if you’re not having this issue, we’re going to learn quite a bit about spooling and some lower-level parts of Swift Mailer. Philipp, you can skip down to the answer, or suggested approach for this difficult problem ;).

First, configure Swift Mailer to send emails in some way, and tell it to use a “file” spool. If you haven’t seen this before, we have a cookbook article on it at Symfony.com called, well, How to Spool Emails:

# app/config/config.yml
    transport: %mailer_transport%
    host:      %mailer_host%
    username:  %mailer_user%
    password:  %mailer_password%
    spool:     { type: file }

By default, most of the swiftmailer configuration is stored in the app/config/parameters.yml file, so make sure you update your settings there.

File spooling is really easy, and kinda neat. Whenever you tell Swiftmailer to send an email, it actually doesn’t. Instead it stores it in a file and waits for you to run a Symfony task that actually sends the email. The obvious advantage is that the experience for your end-user is much faster.

Let’s use a small script I’ve created that loads up a bunch of spooled messages for us. This bootstraps Symfony and lets me write any Symfony code I want in it. It’s a quick and dirty way to create a spot where we can execute some code that needs Symfony and is something we cover in our Starting in Symfony2 series:

// load_emails.php
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
$loader = require_once __DIR__.'/app/bootstrap.php.cache';
require_once __DIR__.'/app/AppKernel.php';
$kernel = new AppKernel('prod', true);
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$container = $kernel->getContainer();
$container->set('request', $request);
/* end bootstrap */

/** @var $mailer \Swift_Mailer */
$mailer = $container->get('mailer');

$message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()
    ->setSubject('Testing Spooling!')
    ->setBody('Hallo emails!')

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {

The script sends 10 email messages. Behind the scenes, I’ll also add a little bit of code to the core os Swift Mailer so that my SMTP server appears to fail about every 5 sends. This will fake STMP sending errors:

// vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/AbstractSmtpTransport.php
// ...

protected function _assertResponseCode($response, $wanted)
    list($code) = sscanf($response, '%3d');

    if (rand(1, 5) == 5 && in_array(250, $wanted)) {
        $code = 554;

    // ... the rest of the function

How Emails are File Spooled

Run this script from the command line to queue the 10 messages:

php load_emails.php


The script runs in the prod environment to be more realistic (since your site typically runs in the prod environment). So, be sure to clear your prod cache before trying any of this:

php app/console cache:clear --env=prod

You won’t see anything visually, and no emails were sent, but if you look in the cache directory, you should see a swiftmailer directory with a single file for each spooled message:

ls -la app/cache/prod/swiftmailer/spool

This is how the file spool works: each message is given a random filename and its contents are a serialized version of the Swift_Message.

To actually send these emails, use the swiftmailer:spool:send command.

php app/console swiftmailer:spool:send --env=prod --message-limit=10

Under normal conditions, this would find the first 10 files in the spool directory, unserialize each file’s contents and then send it. In fact, behind the scenes, each file is suffixed with .sending the moment before it is sent, and then deleted afterwards if everything went ok. If you watched your spool directory closely, you could see this while it’s sending:


Normally you don’t really care about this... until your emails start to fail.

How Swift Mailer handles Failures

As Philipp mentioned, when you run the swiftmailer:spool:send command and one email fails, it will blow up! That’s actually not that big of a problem initially: as soon as any email is sent successfully, its spool file is deleted, which avoids duplicate sending, even if another email send blows up later. The email that failed remains in its “sending” state, meaning it has the .sending suffix:


When you re-run the command, that .sending file is skipped, and the other nine files in the spool are sent.

So then, what happens to the email that failed? Does Swift Mailer every try to send it again? In fact, it does! And this is where the problems start. When you run the command, there is an optional --recover-timeout option, which defaults to 900, or 15 minutes. This option means that if a file has been in the .sending state for 15 minutes, the suffix should be removed and we should try re-sending it. This is really smart, because it means that if your SMTP server has a temporary failure, the email will just send later.

Failures, Failures Blocking Everything!

But sometimes, an email fails to send for a permanent reason, like 554 Message rejected: Address blacklisted. No matter how many times you try to re-send that email, it will probably never work. It will fail, wait fifteen minutes, fail again, then repeat endlessly. Even if these happen every now and then, after awhile you’ll get a spool/ directory that’s full of failures:


These are just annoying at first, since after fifteen minutes, each is re-tried, which causes your script to fail and no other emails to be sent. If you’re running the script often enough, it’s no big deal.

So back to Philipp’s question:

So if there are more than 15 “xxx.message.sending” files in the spool directory after a while and the cron job runs every minute with a recovery-timeout of 15 minutes, then the new messages won’t get sent any more. How can I handle that?

Let’s walk through this: imagine you have 15 files that are failing. One-by-one, these become eligible to be re-tried. Our script, which runs every minute, tries one, then fails. A minute later it tries another, then another, etc, etc. After fifteen minutes it hasn’t actually sent any emails - it’s only failed to re-send these. To make matters worse, the first failed email is ready to be re-tried again, so the cycle continues.

The Solution?

This is actually a really interesting, but challenging issue. At the core is the fact that Swift Mailer can’t tell the difference between a mail that should be re-tried, and one that will fail forever. To make matters worse, there’s no possible way to configure the file spool to stop trying after a few attempts and delete the mail. This seems like a shortcoming in the spool itself, but for now, let’s work around it!

In my opinion, the best solution is create a separate task that handles these failures by trying them once more, then deleting them finally. Let’s start with the skeleton for the command:

namespace KnpU\QADayBundle\Command;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command\ContainerAwareCommand;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

class ClearFailedSpoolCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand
    protected function configure()
            ->setDescription('Clears failures from the spool')

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)

The goal of the command will be to find all .loading files, try them once again, then delete the spool file. This will use a few parts of Swift Mailer and its integration with Symfony that are deep enough that you’ll need to be more careful when you upgrade. For example, the fact that the failed spools are suffixed with .sending is really a detail that we’re not supposed to care about, but we’ll take advantage of it.

To start, grab the real transport from the service container and make sure it’s started:

/** @var $transport \Swift_Transport */
$transport = $this->getContainer()->get('swiftmailer.transport.real');
if (!$transport->isStarted()) {

The “transport” used by the mailer service is the file spool, which means when you send through it, it actually just spools. Symfony stores your real transport - whether that be SMTP or something else - as a service called swiftmailer.transport.real.

Next, let’s find all the spooled files. This takes advantage of the swiftmailer.spool.file.path parameter, which contains the directory where the spool files live. This parameter is used when the Swift_FileSpool is instantiated. We’ll also use the Finder component to really make this shine:

// ...
$spoolPath = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('swiftmailer.spool.file.path');
$finder = Finder::create()->in($spoolPath)->name('*.sending');

foreach ($finder as $failedFile) {
    // ...

Finally, fill in the loop:

// ...
foreach ($finder as $failedFile) {
    // rename the file, so no other process tries to find it
    $tmpFilename = $failedFile.'.finalretry';
    rename($failedFile, $tmpFilename);

    /** @var $message \Swift_Message */
    $message = unserialize(file_get_contents($tmpFilename));
        'Retrying <info>%s</info> to <info>%s</info>',
        implode(', ', array_keys($message->getTo()))

    try {
    } catch (\Swift_TransportException $e) {
        $output->writeln('<error>Send failed - deleting spooled message</error>');

    // delete the file, either because it sent, or because it failed

Woh! Let’s walk through this using 4 friendly bullet points:

1) We rename the spool file to prevent any other process from sending this file while we try;

2) The contents of the spool file are a serialized \Swift_Message object, which we an unserialize to get it back;

  1. We once again try to send the message.

4) Whether the message sends or fails, we delete the spool file to clean it out.

And that’s it! Now, set the command to run on some interval. If these messages tend to start to be a problem after an hour, run this hourly. If it’s an uncommon issue, run it daily:

php app/console swiftmailer:spool:clear-failures --env=prod

With a good mixture of failures and success, the output will look something like this:

Retrying Testing Spooling! to ryan@knplabs.com
Retrying Testing Spooling! to ryan@knplabs.com
Send failed - deleting spooled message
Retrying Testing Spooling! to ryan@knplabs.com
Retrying Testing Spooling! to ryan@knplabs.com
Send failed - deleting spooled message

There are countless other approaches you could take, but I prefer this one because it prevents you from needing to override any core code. The point is that, one way or another, you’re on your own when you solve this. With some refactoring of Swift_FileSpool, it should be possible to set a max retry limit per mail, but that’s not the case right now.

Still, file spooling is great. If you’re concerned about delivering emails to your users without slowing down their experience, this is a very easy way to accomplish that.

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Default user avatar Jop Peters | posted 5 years ago

Interesting article! I might be wrong, but I think a race condition might occur with this solution. If the "actual" spooler is sending the message and postfixes the message it's sending with ".sending" and the error spooler starts up right at that second, it will send the message twice. Both the actual spooler as well as the error spooler will send the message.

I would propose adding a check for last file access time, to make sure a certain amount of time has passed before the error spooler kicks in. A period smaller than the recovery-timeout (5 minutes sounds about right). This gives the original spooler time to send the message and will avoid duplicate sending.

1 Reply

Cool suggestion :)

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