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More on Routing And Dependency Injection Parameters

More on Routing And Dependency Injection Parameters

From Dimka Mo

How can I hide the pattern for a route - e.g. via parameter in parameters.yml? My goal looks like: i have some line in parameters.yml:
secret_url: /are/you/a/robot/

then in routing.yml something like this:

pattern: %secret_url%
defaults: { ... }

I need to hide my url pattern from public, how can i do this? Thanks!


I don’t think you were giving yourself enough credit with your question, because you already know the answer! ;).

As we mentioned in the Hostname Routing chapter of our What’s new in Symfony 2.2 tutorial, starting in Symfony 2.1, you can use a dependency injection parameter anywhere in your routing.

First, let’s start with a normal route:

# app/config/routing.yml
# ...

    path: /are/you/a/robot
    defaults: { _controller: QADayBundle:Default:parameterTest }

The goal is to move the /are/you/a/robot part out of our code to somewhere that’s not committed. For many of you, that may be a strange requirement, but the exercise here highlights a lot of nice things.


And remember, there’s nothing special about the parameters.yml file, except that we choose to put server-specific code in that file because we don’t commit it to the repository (if this is new to you, see Getting Started in Symfony2).

First, add a new parameter to your parameters.yml file:

# app/config/parameters.yml
# ...

my_hidden_url: /are/you/a/robot

To finish this off, simply reference it in your route:

# app/config/routing.yml
# ...

    path: "%my_hidden_url%"
    defaults: { _controller: QADayBundle:Default:parameterTest }

That’s it! But let’s see what else we can do!

Using a Parameter as part of the routing Path

You can also leverage parameters as just a part of your routing path. To show this off, create a new route to play with:

# app/config/routing.yml
    path: /admin/test
    defaults: { _controller: QADayBundle:Default:parameterTest }

If you had a lot of routes that began with the /admin prefix, you might not want to repeat yourself. One solution of course is to import these routes from an external routing file and use the prefix key.

But you can also use parameters. This time, let’s add a new parameter directly to our config.yml file. I’m deciding to put it here instead of inside parameters.yml because this value isn’t secret or server-specific:

# app/config/config.yml
    admin_prefix: /admin

We can now use this just like before, but now forming just a part of our routing path:

# app/config/routing.yml
    path: "%routing_prefix%/test"
    defaults: { _controller: QADayBundle:Default:parameterTest }

Extra Credit: Where does this Magic Happen?

Dependency injection parameters like %routing_prefix% are part of building Symfony’s service container: you define services and parameters, and when the whole container is built, any strings surrounded by two % signs are replaced by that parameter value.

But the engine that builds the service container is completely different from the engine that compiles your routes together. So where do the two cross over?

The answer is in the Router class that’s used inside the Symfony Framework. Symfony’s Routing Component supplies a Router class which handles matching and generating URLs. But when you use the Symfony Framework, the actual Router object you’re using lives in the FrameworkBundle. In fact, this is really common, and you can see the class of these objects by finding the service via the container:debug command:

php app/console container:debug | grep -i router
router container Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router

If you scan the list, the router service should jump at you. Indeed, the “router” used in the Symfony Framework is an instance of Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router.

The routing parameter magic happens in getRouteCollection:

public function getRouteCollection()
    if (null === $this->collection) {
        $this->collection = $this->container

    return $this->collection;

This method is called early on when Symfony needs the full collection of routes to use. The key here is that before returning the collection, the resolveParameters function is called, which iterates over every route in the collection and replaces parameters in the defaults, path, requirements and host keys of the route.

Why isn’t this Slow?

If you’re wondering if iterating over every single route to replace this parameter is slow, the answer is YES! But in reality, not at all :). In the Symfony2 Framework, the final collection of routes is dumped to a physical file that lives in your cache directory. It means that this process happens once, then never again until your cache needs to be rebuilt.

Modifying Routes On-the-fly

You should never be in a hurry to extend Symfony and add a lot of magic to it, but this is a great example of a way that you can do just that. Imagine that there was some modification that you needed to make to every single route in your system that couldn’t be accomplished by leveraging a parameter. One way to accomplish this would be to sub-class the Router class, override getRouteCollection, and make your own changes.

... but for now I’ll leave that as an exercise for you :).

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