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Our Micro-App & PhpStorm Setup

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Our mission: to boldly go where no one has gone before... by checking out our app! I already opened the new directory in PhpStorm, so fire up your tricorder and let's explore!

The public/ Directory

There are only three directories you need to think about. First, public/ is the document root: so it will hold all publicly accessible files. And... there's just one right now! index.php. This is the "front controller": a fancy word programmers invented that means that this is the file that's executed when you go to any URL.

But, really, you'll almost never need to worry about it. In fact, now that we've talked about this directory, stop thinking about it!

src/ and config/

Yea, I lied! There are truly only two directories you need to think about: config/ and src/. config/ holds... um... ya know... config files and src/ is where you'll put all your PHP code. It's just that simple.

Where is Symfony? As usual, when we created the project, Composer read our composer.json file and downloaded all the third-party libraries - including parts of Symfony - into the vendor/ directory.

Installing the Server

Go back to your terminal and find the original tab. Check this out: at the bottom, it says that we can get a better web server by running composer require server. I like better stuff! So let's try it! Press Ctrl+C to stop the existing server, and then run:

composer require server

If you're familiar with Composer... that package name should look funny! Really, wrong! Normally, every package name is "something" slash "something", like symfony/console. So... server just should not work! But it does! This is part of a cool new system called Flex. More about that soon!

When this finishes, you can now run:

php ./bin/console server:run

This does basically the same thing as before... but the command is shorter. And when we refresh, it still works!

By the way, this bin/console command is going to be our new robot side-kick. But it's not magic: our project has a bin/ directory with a console file inside. Windows users should say php bin/console... because it's just a PHP file.

So, what amazing things can this bin/console robot do? Find your open terminal tab and just run:

php ./bin/console

Yes! This is a list of all of the bin/console commands. Some of these are debugging gold. We'll talk about them along the way!

PhpStorm Setup

Ok, we are almost ready to start coding! But we need talk about our spaceship, I mean, editor! Look, you can use whatever your want... but... I highly recommend PhpStorm! Seriously, it makes developing in Symfony a dream! And no, those nice guys & gals at PhpStorm aren't paying me to say this... but they can if they want to!

Ahem, If you do use it... which would be awesome for you... there are 2 secrets you need to know to trick out your spaceship, ah, editor! Clearly I was in hyper-sleep too long.

Go to Preferences, Plugins, then click "Browse Repositories". There are 3 must-have plugins. Search for "Symfony". First: the "Symfony Plugin". It has over 2 million downloads for a reason: it will give you tons of ridiculous auto-completion. You should also download "PHP Annotations" and "PHP Toolbox". I already have them installed. If you don't, you'll see an "Install" button right at the top of the description. Install those and restart PHPStorm.

Then, come back to Preferences, search for "symfony" and find the new "Symfony" section. Click the "Enable Plugin" checkbox: you need to enable the Symfony plugin for each project. It says you need to restart... but I think that's lie. It's space! What could go wrong?

So that's PhpStorm trick #1. For the second, search "Composer" and click on the "Composer" section. Click to browse for the "Path to composer.json" and select the one in our project. I'm not sure why this isn't automatic... but whatever! Thanks to this, PhpStorm will make it easier to create classes in src/. You'll see this really soon.

Okay! Our project is set up and it's already working. Let's start building some pages and discovering more cool things about new app.

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Robertino V. Avatar
Robertino V. Avatar Robertino V. | posted 5 years ago

On my PhpStorm 2017.3.3 the composer.json was automatically found and loaded :-)

2 Reply

Hey Robertino V.

Ohh, so that's a new feature of newest PhpStorm version? I haven't upgraded mine yet :p



Yup, composer.json is automatically loaded and symfony plugin is automatically configured.

Thanks PHPStorm


Ohh PHPStorm, you always surprise me :)

Victor Avatar Victor | SFCASTS | posted 4 years ago | edited

Hey Sir,

Looks like you found the solution, but just for the record here:

php ./bin/console sever:run

On Windows you need to run any PHP script you want via PHP interpreter.


1 Reply

I got this message "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported."


I replied you in the other thread. Cheers!


if you are using a unix or other base system like that try to run this code
php ./bin/console server:run
[OK] Server listening on

// Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

PHP 7.3.8 Development Server started at Tue Oct 15 10 019


Hey OM,

Thank you for this tip! Yeah, you need to run the script via "php" or give "bin/console" executable permissions. Actually, I tweaked the commands in this chapter and added "php" in front of it. Thanks!


Abelardo Avatar
Abelardo Avatar Abelardo | posted 4 years ago

It seems Symfony Plugin is not found at the respective repository anymore.

Instead of it, there is Symfony Support. I don't know if the last one is a replacement for the first one.

Does anybody know if Symfony Plugin is still available? Best regards.

Using PHPStorm 2019.2 (evaluate version).


Hey Abelardo,

It looks like "Symfony Plugin" was renamed to "Symfony Support" plugin, here's the official links:

This is the plugin we're talking about in this screencast.

Though, I noticed problems with plugins upgrades on my latest version of PhpStorm, not sure about the reason yet.


1 Reply
Alexey N. Avatar
Alexey N. Avatar Alexey N. | posted 4 years ago

Is it possible to configure WebServerBundle to working with subdomains?
I have an error "DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN" on http://test.


hey Alexey N.

Unfortunately this will not work like this. But you can add to your /hosts file something like
<br /> domain.local<br /> sub.domain.local<br />

and than start server and try use this 2 domains like http://domain.local:8000 and http://sub.domain.local:8000

Or you can use new symfony-cli server which will allow you to use ssl and *.wip domains for local development


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Default user avatar Algirdas Žarkaitis | posted 4 years ago

Hi, I'm really new to this. How can I acces database here? Or do I need to set XAMMP or Docker or any other server for that?


Hey Algirdas Žarkaitis

You should have a database server you can install it as standalone instance or via docker depending on you dev environment.


Default user avatar
Default user avatar Hugo Peña | posted 4 years ago

After installing the composer server, it says it´s running

[OK] Server listening on

But, when openning the web page, i´m getting the following error:

Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
(1/1) FatalErrorException
Error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded

in Router.php line 34


Hey Hugo,

It sounds like your script was executing too long, longer than 30 seconds. If you think it's on purpose, i.e. if you write a script that processes a lot of data - then you probably need to increase maximum execution time in php.ini or make your script wiser, like process only a part of big data at once. But if you're trying to load a regular page - it's no good, probably something is broken in your code, maybe you have a recursion? You can try to install xdebug and try again. Or something is broken in your environment configuration.

Could you explain a bit more? Are you talking about the code you downloaded from this course? Are you in start/ or finish/ folders? What page exactly are you trying to load? Is it homepage, i.e. ?


1 Reply
Default user avatar
Default user avatar Hugo Peña | Victor | posted 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for your prompt response. Sorry I didn´t clarify that I haven't code anything, I'm just following the tutorial, I install de composer server, initialize it, but when I open the browser I try to load localhost:8000, I'm getting the error message.


Hey Hugo,

Hm, ok, let me clarify the steps you have done so far. You created the project with "composer create-project symfony/skeleton the_spacebar", then changed your current directory to the project with "cd the_spacebar" and inside that directory executed "composer require server". But when you run "bin/console server:run" it starts the web server and show you what URL you can use to access it, i.e.

You don't see any errors in the console output after you run the web server? Try to go to again wait until you see the error and check console output again. Do you have any new lines there? Any errors? Server write logs into the console as its output, so you may find a problem there.

Though your problem seems like something is blocking the request, probably system ask you allowing new connections with some kind of popup and you didn't allow access or miss that popup? Probably you have an antivirus system that might block this connection? Btw, are you on Windows OS? Could you try to turn your antivirus off completely and try again? Also, I'd suggest you to completely restart your computer before start doing anything that I advised you in this comment.

Let me know if it helps. Also, if it's still does not work, please, could you paste in your next comment the full output of the server:run command you have in your console after a few timeout requests in the browser.


Tomasz N. Avatar
Tomasz N. Avatar Tomasz N. | posted 4 years ago

Hi, great job, nice and funny narration, and most importantly - a huge package of valuable knowledge.

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Default user avatar siddhartha | posted 4 years ago

hi ,
there is no symfony in language&frameworks->php
please help
its in language&frameworks->PHP


Hi siddhartha

It looks like you need to install Symfony plugin. You can do it in "Settings->Plugins" type "Symfony plugin" in search field, and click "install" after restart PhpStorm, and now it should work


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Default user avatar Adriel Werlich | posted 4 years ago

hello there, I´m getting some error message when opening the web page, just after creating and running the server right on the start -->

Fatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required 'D:\nprojetos\composer\the_spacebar\vendor\symfony\web-server-bundle/Resources/router.php' (include_path='C:\xampp_\php\PEAR') in Unknown on line 0

Does anyone know what this is about?

Default user avatar

I solved using this reference, in case anyone need ->

Solved by :

Delete symfony folder in vendor

composer update

If you have antivirus (like Avast) disable it before launching web server

php bin/console server:run


Ohh so your Antivirus was interfering with the script that starts the web server? Anyways, thanks for sharing your solution!


Suman kumar P. Avatar
Suman kumar P. Avatar Suman kumar P. | posted 4 years ago

.bin/console server:run is saying could not open file error. Help ASAP.


Hello Suman kumar P.

Please check command you trying to run. it should be like

php bin/console server:run

If it still fails, check if you have file "console" in "bin\" folder and reply here


Suman kumar P. Avatar
Suman kumar P. Avatar Suman kumar P. | sadikoff | posted 4 years ago

it still fails. If i run php -S -t public then its working..
I have console file also in bin folder.
when i run {{ php bin/console server:run }} then in CLI OK server listening on is coming but in browser its not coming


Hey @Hunter Baba!

Hmm. That is super strange! The server:run command is basically a wrapper around running the php -s command. But, if the other command is working for you, you can safely just use that. The server:run command mostly exists as a shortcut.


1 Reply
Yanosh Avatar

Why dont you colorised command line greeting? I mean `~/path/file$`. It would be easier to find this lines if they would be colored differently.

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Default user avatar Roberto Briones Argüelles | posted 4 years ago

Which is the correct value for "App Directory" in the Symfony Plugin configuration for Symfony 3 or 4? Since in the video you doesn't change the default values. I know that for "Web directory" the value should be "public" but not sure what should be instead of "app" in "App Directory".


Hey Roberto,

Good question! I just always keep app/ as a value for the "app directory" for both Symfony 3 and 4. Though not sure for what exactly this value is used in this plugin :)


lyndonjohn Avatar
lyndonjohn Avatar lyndonjohn | posted 4 years ago

Got stuck at Restricting packages listed in "symfony/symfony" to "4.1.*" after running composer require server. Please help.

lyndonjohn Avatar

It's ok now. It just took too long to long..


Hey Lyndonjohn,

Looks like it works for you now. Yeah, pulling symfony/symfony with all its deps may take some time. Btw, if we're talking about Symfony 4, i.e. symfony/skeleton - you should avoid symfony/symfony dependency and specify other minor deps explicitly because it causes conflict on this package, see: https://github.com/symfony/...


1 Reply

Hi @weaverryan

In PhpStom's Symfony Plugin no need set 'Translation Root Path', 'App Directory' and 'Web Directory' paths?


Hey niumis.

Good catch! Actually, those are not important for us yet. Well, app is matched so no changes are needed, however we don't have translations so we can miss it. What about Web Dir - yeah, it should be set to "public" for Symfony 4 applications, but as I said it's not important for us so far. It helps with assets, i.e. provide autocompletion for files inside of "public/" directory. So, you may tweak this value in advance or leave it for later.


1 Reply

Thank you, victor!

Kribo Avatar

Hi there,
First off finally found a Symfony 4 course in English that makes sense.
But came across my first issue.
I installed the composer require server and in the video you run the command "./bin/console server:run" to execute.
This doesn't work for me. Is it because I'm on a Win10 using Visual Studio Code internal Terminal?
I always have to add php to my console commands.? "php bin/console server:run"
DO you know why?

Ok my bad ... Watch the vid might help....lol
But why the php for win users ?

Victor Avatar Victor | SFCASTS | Kribo | posted 5 years ago | edited

Hey Kribo ,

Glad you got it! Really, just add "php ./bin/console" for all Symfony commands. It's due to different file system. Mac OS and Linux based OS like Ubuntu are Unix based platforms, but Windows is not. bin/console is just a PHP file, so to run any PHP file on Windows you always need to run it though php interpreter.


Kribo Avatar
Kribo Avatar Kribo | Victor | posted 5 years ago | edited

hi thnx for the response.
Any idea when the other vids 6,7 & 8 will be published?


Hey Kribo

We published chapter 6 today! And we publish a new chapter every day, so, by tomorrow you should be able to watch chapter 7 :)

Have a nice day

Kribo Avatar

Cool cannot wait ...

Default user avatar
Default user avatar Billy Thomas | posted 5 years ago


Im getting parse errors in both bin/console and public/php.index
I haven't touch either of those files, but they seem to be keeping me from running the server with either `./bin/console server:run` or `php -S -t public`
Anyone run into something like this?


Hey Billy Thomas!

Hmm, interesting! I do have a theory: you may be using an out-dated PHP version. Symfony 4 requires PHP 7.1, so if you're using something lower, then those files would appear to have syntax errors for that PHP version. What do you see when you run:

php -v

If it's below 7.1.3, then get that guy upgraded :). Let us know!


Default user avatar

I get 7.2.2 when I run from a new terminal window but in my repo directory i get
`PHP 5.5.38 (cli) (built: Oct 29 2017 20:49:07)

Copyright (c) 1997-2015 The PHP Group

Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2015 Zend Technologies`
I tried to update to 7.2 earlier but I guess it didn't work. Im on a Mac OS X 10.11.6 el capitan if that helps with anything

EDIT: I opened a new terminal window and ran php -v still got 5.5.38


Hey Billy,

Ah, ok, so you need to upgrade your PHP version somehow to 7.1.3 at least if you want to run Symfony 4. I also on a Mac, and I installed my PHP version with Homebrew, see https://github.com/Homebrew... if it helps you. Otherwise, I think you can google for some post about how to install/upgrade PHP on your Mac.



hello Ryan,

I am on a Mac but in my development setup I prefer run the project in an Ubuntu 16.04 VM (with Vagrant and Virtual Box) and I wonder if I can still setup composer as you show in the video.

thanks a lot for your help



Hey chieroz

Do you mean setup composer on PhpStorm? If that's the case you would have to install composer as well on your "Host" machine



Hello Diego,

yes, I mean setup composer non PhpStorm (btw, this editor is AWESOME).

thank you for your time


2 Reply
Cat in space

"Houston: no signs of life"
Start the conversation!

What PHP libraries does this tutorial use?

// composer.json
    "require": {
        "php": "^7.1.3",
        "ext-iconv": "*",
        "sensio/framework-extra-bundle": "^5.1", // v5.1.3
        "symfony/asset": "^4.0", // v4.0.3
        "symfony/console": "^4.0", // v4.0.14
        "symfony/flex": "^1.0", // v1.17.6
        "symfony/framework-bundle": "^4.0", // v4.0.14
        "symfony/lts": "^4@dev", // dev-master
        "symfony/twig-bundle": "^4.0", // v4.0.3
        "symfony/web-server-bundle": "^4.0", // v4.0.3
        "symfony/yaml": "^4.0" // v4.0.14
    "require-dev": {
        "easycorp/easy-log-handler": "^1.0.2", // v1.0.4
        "sensiolabs/security-checker": "^5.0", // v5.0.3
        "symfony/debug-bundle": "^3.3|^4.0", // v4.0.3
        "symfony/dotenv": "^4.0", // v4.0.14
        "symfony/monolog-bundle": "^3.0", // v3.1.2
        "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "^3.3|^4.0", // v4.0.3
        "symfony/profiler-pack": "^1.0", // v1.0.3
        "symfony/var-dumper": "^3.3|^4.0" // v4.0.3