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Fragments, ESI and Caching

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Fragments, ESI and Caching

Symfony 2.2 comes with a brand new fragments sub-framework, which allows you to render small parts of your page - like our inner box - independently. Actually, this has existed since Symfony 2.0, but was called “sub-requests”. In 2.2, the feature has been overhauled for flexibility, speed and security.

Understanding Http Caching, ESI and Fragments

One of the best features of Symfony is its use of Edge Side Includes or ESI. This is where different parts of your page are rendered as small esi tags. Before your user sees these, a middle layer parses them out, makes another request back to your app for just that fragment, and then combines it all together.

This is the “fragments” framework at work: the page is broken down into small pieces and each has a special URL to render it all by itself. This lets you cache the different fragments of your page independently. Since the middle cache layer puts all the fragments together, your user has no idea you’re doing all this voodoo behind the scenes.

Fragments in Symfony2

The easiest way to split your page into these fragments is with the render tag we’re using, which gets its content by rendering another controller:

{# This is the 2.1 syntax for fragments (or sub-requests) %}
{% render 'EventBundle:NewFeatures:inner' with {
    'color': 'lightblue'
}, {
    'standalone': true
} %}

There’s a lot more to know about this, so check out Symfony’s Http Caching chapter. The important point is that your page can be broken down into fragments, and even though we don’t have a route that points to a fragment like innerAction, there’s a special URL that let’s us render it independently.

Welcome fragments and ProxyListener, goodbye internal.xml

Before Symfony 2.2, this special URL came from importing the internal.xml routing file, which exposed a regular Symfony route that was capable of rendering any controller.

# app/config/routing.yml
    resource: "@FrameworkBundle/Resources/config/routing/internal.xml"
    prefix:   /_internal

If you used this route, you were supposed to somehow make sure that the URL was protected so that only your caching layer could use it. If a normal user had access to this, they could render any controller with any arguments in your system, which would be a bummer...

In Symfony 2.2, the internal.xml routing file is gone. Let’s remove it and replace it with a fragments key in config.yml. Instead of a route, this activates a listener that watches for any requests that start with /_proxy, which is the URL that the ESI tags now render as. This alone doesn’t help security, except that the listener uses a few tricks internally, which we’ll talk more about in a moment.

# app/config/config.yml
    esi:             ~
    fragments:       { path: /_proxy }
    # ...

The new Twig render Syntax

For now, let’s get our application working! Aside from this configuration change, the render tag now looks different. First, it isn’t a tag at all anymore, it’s now a function that’s rendered using the double-curly brace syntax:


The {% render %} tag will still be supported until Symfony 3.0.

Second, when you reference the controller, you must wrap it in a call to a new Twig controller function. For now, I’ll remove the standalone key that activated ESI:

{{ render(controller('EventBundle:NewFeatures:inner', {
    'color': 'lightblue'
})) }}

When we refresh the page, things finally work! Looking at the timeline, we see information about the main request and the inner fragment. This is how things look when we’re not using ESI - the full page and the inner fragment render all at once. This is called the default rendering strategy and it’s pretty straightforward.

Activating ESI

Since that’s boring, let’s activate ESI! To do this, just change the function to render_esi:

{{ render_esi(controller('EventBundle:NewFeatures:inner', {
    'color': 'lightblue'
})) }}

Refresh again! It renders exactly the same, how exciting! But actually, a lot just changed behind the scenes. The main page now renders everything except the inner area. Instead, it prints out an ESI tag. Our caching layer parses it, makes another request into Symfony for that piece and then combines it all together. This is called the ESI rendering strategy, because the first main request returns an ESI tag in place of the inner area.

Debugging ESI with X-Symfony-Cache

We’re using Symfony’s reverse proxy in PHP, so all of this happens on the server and is completely invisible to us. But if you view the network details, you’ll see an X-Symfony-Cache header, which describes what’s happening at our caching layer. You can now see two entries - one for the main page request and another when the caching layer requests just the inner portion.

X-Symfony-Cache: GET /new/fragments: miss; GET /_proxy?_path=color%3Dlightblue%26_format=%3Dhtml%26_controller%3DEventBundle%253ANewFeatures%253Ainner: miss

Of course, we’re not actually caching either part, but you can see how each operates independently.

Using HInclude Tags

To push things further, change the function to render_hinclude.

{{ render_hinclude(controller('EventBundle:NewFeatures:inner', {
    'color': 'lightblue'
})) }}

Refresh your page to see that the inner section has vanished! When you view the source you’ll find an HTML tag with a URL. This is called an hinclude tag, and it works a lot like an ESI tag. In both cases, an extra request is made back to the server to fetch the content, which allows that small piece to be cached independently. The difference is that this tag is processed by your client using a JavaScript library called HInclude whereas ESI is processed in a layer somewhere inside your server architecture, invisible to the user.

Fragment URL Security

Let’s look a little bit more at the URL in the HInclude tag. If we open this URL directly we can see the content that will be rendered. In fact, regardless of whether you use the ESI or HInclude strategy, this URL is used to allow an outside layer to request the individual fragments. This was activated by adding the fragments key to config.yml.

So what prevents an evil user from exploiting this URL to render any controller in our system with any parameters? Nothing! Just kidding, there are two built in protections: trusted proxies and signed URLs.

Trusted Proxies

The class that handles all this magic is called FragmentListener. Before it starts serving anything from your application, it first checks to see if the person requesting is “trusted”.

If you’re using a reverse proxy like Varnish, then you’ll want to add its IP address or - CIDR IP address range for the super-geeks - to your config.yml file:



Internally, this sets the Request::setTrustedProxies method. Currently it appears that IP ranges (e.g. are respected in FragmentListener, but aren’t accepted under the trusted_proxies key. This was fixed in Symfony 2.3.

If the request comes from this IP or range, it allows it. And, if it comes from a local address, it also allows it. In other words, if it’s someone you trust, then it’s ok.

Signed URLs

If it’s not, then it falls back to use URL signing. Notice the _hash query parameter at the end of the URL. That’s generated using an application secret and the URI. It means that if we weren’t trusted, we could still access this exact URL. But if we changed any part of it, it wouldn’t match the hash and Symfony would deny access. It’s a pretty clever way to expose parts of your application that you want, without exposing everything.

Phew! Let’s change back to use the ESI strategy and keep going with some of the other great new features in Symfony 2.2.

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Is it good or bad practice to set a render_esi(controller()) inside loop for even with a cache layer ?


Hey Ahmed,

Well, if you use full-page HTTP cache but you need to have some parts on your page that cannot be cached - it makes sense to use "render_esi(controller())". But it causes a sub-request to your application, that means you instead of 1 request to your application you get 2: 1 main request and one sub-request. If you want to do it in a loop - it will increase sub-requests number.

So, that's not a good idea, but it depends on your loop and your needs. If there's no way to get rid of those render_esi(controller()) in loop for you - probably it's OK, but I'd recommend to profile your application performance, it may cause slow response time on load.

I hope this helps!


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