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Rock some FOSUserBundle!

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The most popular bundle in all of Symfony is... GifExceptionBundle! Wait... that's not right... but it should be. The actual most popular bundle is, of course, FOSUserBundle. And it's easy to know why: it gives you a lot of crazy-cool stuff, out-of-the-box: registration, reset password, change password, and edit profile pages. Honestly, it feels like stealing.

But guess what? A lot of smart devs don't like FOSUserBundle. How could that be? The bundle does give you a lot of stuff. But, it's not a magician: it doesn't know what your design looks like, what fields your registration form should have, the clever text you want in your emails or where to redirect the user after registration.

See, there's a lot of stuff that makes your site special. And that means that if you're going to use FOSUserBundle - which is awesome - you're going to need to customize a lot of things. And you've come to the right place: once we're done, you're going to be embarrissingly good extending this bundle. I mean, your co-workers will gaze at you in amazement as you hook into events, customize text and override templates. It's going to be beautiful thing.

Let's do it!

Code along with me yo!

As always, you should totally code along with me... it's probably what the cool kids are doing. Just click the download button on this page and unzip that guy. Inside, you'll find a start/ directory that has the same code you see here. Open up README.md for hilarious text... and setup details.

The last step will be to find your favorite terminal and run:

php bin/console server:run

to start the built-in PHP web server. Ok, load this up in your browser: http://localhost:8000.

Welcome to AquaNote! This is the same project we've been building in our main Symfony tutorials, but without any security logic. Gasp! See that Login link? It's a lie! It goes nowhere! The login link is a lie!

Google for the FOSUserBundle documentation: it lives right on Symfony.com. And make sure you're on the 2.0 version.

Installing & Enabling the Bundle

We'll go through the install details... but in our own order. Of course, first, copy the composer require line... but don't worry about the version number. Head over to your terminal and run that:

composer require friendsofsymfony/user-bundle

While we're waiting for Jordi to prepare out delicious FOSUserBundle package, go back and copy the new FOSUserBundle() line from the docs, open our app/AppKernel.php file and paste it to enable the bundle. Oh, and FOSUserBundle uses SwiftmailerBundle to send the password reset and registration confirmation emails. So, uncomment that. You can also create your own custom mailer or tell FOSUserBundle to not send emails.

... lines 2 - 5
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
... lines 11 - 14
new Symfony\Bundle\SwiftmailerBundle\SwiftmailerBundle(),
... lines 16 - 21
new FOS\UserBundle\FOSUserBundle(),
... lines 23 - 24
... lines 26 - 35
... lines 37 - 56

Ok, flip back to your terminal. Bah! It exploded! Ok, it did install FOSUserBundle. So, let's not panic people. It just went crazy while trying to clear the cache:

The child node db_driver at path fos_user must be configured

Ah, so this bundle has some required configuration.

Create your User Entity

Before we fill that in, I have a question: what does FOSUserBundle actually give us? In reality, just 2 things: a User entity and a bunch of routes and controllers for things like registration, edit password, reset password, profile and a login page.

To use the User class from the bundle, we need to create our own small User class that extends their's.

Inside src/AppBundle/Entity, create a new PHP class called User. To extend the base class, add a use statement for their User class with as BaseUser to avoid a lame conflict. Then add, extends BaseUser.

... line 2
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
... lines 4 - 5
use FOS\UserBundle\Model\User as BaseUser;
... lines 7 - 11
class User extends BaseUser
... lines 14 - 24

There's just one thing we must do in this class: add a protected $id property. Beyond that, this is just a normal entity class. So I'll go to the Code->Generate menu - or Command+N on a Mac - and choose ORM Class to get my fancy @ORM\Entity stuff on top. Add ticks around the user table name - that's a keyword in some database engines.

... lines 2 - 4
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
... lines 6 - 7
* @ORM\Entity
* @ORM\Table(name="`user`")
class User extends BaseUser
... lines 14 - 18
protected $id;
... lines 20 - 24

Now, go back to Code->Generate, choose ORM Annotation and select the id column. Boom! We are annotated! Finally, go back to Code->Generate one last time... until we do it more later - and generate the getId() method.

... lines 2 - 11
class User extends BaseUser
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
* @ORM\Column(type="integer")
protected $id;
public function getId()
return $this->id;

This class is done!


Actually, this is unnecessary - the base User class already has a getId() method.

Adding the Required Configuration

And now we have everything we need to add the required configuration. In the docs, scroll down a little: under the Configure section, copy their example config. Then, back in your editor, open app/config/config.yml, and paste this down at the bottom.

Ok, The db_driver is orm and the firewall_name - main - is also correct. You can see that key in security.yml.

And yea, the user_class is also correct. We're crushing it! For the email stuff, it doesn't matter, use hello@aquanote.com and AquaNote Postman.

... lines 1 - 74
db_driver: orm
firewall_name: main
user_class: AppBundle\Entity\User
address: "hello@aquanote.com"
sender_name: "AquaNote Postman"

Generate the Migration

Finally, our app should be un-broken! Try the console:

php bin/console

It's alive! Now, we can generate the migration for our User class:

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff


If you get a "Command not Found" error, just install the DoctrineMigrationsBundle.

Yep, that looks about right. Run it:

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate


Importing the Routing

At this point, the only thing this bundle has given us is the base User class... which is nice, but nothing too special, it has a bunch of properties like username, email, password, lastLogin, etc.

The second thing this bundle gives us is a bunch of free routes and controllers. But to get those, we need to import the routes. Back in the documentation, scroll down a bit until you see step 6: Import FOSUserBundle routing files. Ah ha! Copy that routing import.

Find your app/config/routing.yml file and paste that on top.

... lines 1 - 9
resource: "@FOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/all.xml"

As soon as you do that, we have new routes! At your terminal, check them out:

php bin/console debug:router

Awesome! We have /login, /profile/edit, /register and others for resetting and changing your password. If we manually go to /register in the browser... yea! A functional registration form. I know, it's horribly, embarrassingly ugly: we'll fix that.

Oh, and back on the docs, all the way at the bottom, there's a page about Advanced routing configuration. Open that in a new tab. In your app, you may not need all of the pages that FOSUserBundle gives you. Maybe you need registration and reset password, but you don't need a profile page. No problem! Instead of importing this all.xml file, just import the specific routes you want. Seriously feel free to do this: if some route or controller isn't helping you, kill it.

Enabling the Translator

Oh, and if your registration page doesn't look mine - if it has some weird keys instead of real text, don't worry. In app/config/config.yml, just make sure to uncomment the translator key under framework.

FOSUserBundle uses the translator to translate internal "keys" into English or whatever other language.

A little bit of Security

And basically... at this point... we're done installing the bundle! But how is that possible? We haven't touched anything related to security!

Here's the truth: this bundle has almost nothing to do with security: it just gives you a User class and some routes & controllers! We could already register, reset our password or edit our profile without doing any more setup.

Well, that's almost true: we do need a tiny bit of security to make registration work. In security.yml, add an encoders key with AppBundle\Entity\User set to bcrypt. When we register, FOSUserBundle needs to encode the plain-text password before saving it. This tells it what algorithm to use.

... lines 1 - 2
AppBundle\Entity\User: bcrypt
... lines 8 - 32

There's one other small bit of security we need right now. In the documentation, under step 4, copy the providers key. Paste that over the old providers key in security.yml.

... lines 1 - 2
... lines 5 - 7
# http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/security.html#where-do-users-come-from-user-providers
id: fos_user.user_provider.username
... lines 12 - 32

I'll talk about this more in a few minutes, but it's needed for registration only because FOSUserBundle logs us in after registering... which is really nice!

In the next chapter, we'll do more security setup. But for right now, that's all we need!

So try it out! Refresh /register. Let's use aquanaut1@gmail.com, aquanaut1, and password turtles. And boom! We are registered and logged in! We even have a role: ROLE_USER. More on that later.

With a User class, a route import and a tiny bit of security, everything in the bundle works: registration, reset password, edit password and edit profile.

The only thing you can't do is log out... or login. But that's not FOSUserBundle's fault: setting up security is our job. Let's do it next.

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Default user avatar

help please, i have this error:
Attempted to load class "User" from namespace "UserBundle\Entity".
Did you forget a "use" statement for e.g. "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\User", "Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Tests\Fixtures\User", "FOS\UserBundle\Model\User", "FOS\RestBundle\Tests\Fixtures\User" or "AppBundle\Entity\User"?

1 Reply

Hey ines

Look's like you just forgot to import that class. Check at the top of your file in the imports section, if you cannot see it in there, then just add it :)


1 Reply

Hi, my project doesn't have the app folder, because probably in the creation I have build a Symfony Skeleton and not a normal one. How can I do this steps with my project? I have tried to check for appkernel in the folder but the source code looks completly differente compareted to yours.
After doing php bin/console he said to me:
In CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass.php line 86:

The service "fos_user.resetting.controller" has a dependency on a non-existent service "templating".
When I do:
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff

In AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 93:

An exception occurred in driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002]
The connection could not be verified. Persistent computer rejection by

In PDOConnection.php line 31:

SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002]

In PDOConnection.php line 27:

SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002]


Hey Gballocc7

my project doesn't have the app folder...
That's because (I believe) you are on Symfony4 and this course is on Symfony3, the architecture changed considerably from S3 to S4. You can watch our tutorial about upgrading to Symfony4 if you are interested in learning more about those changes.

About your DB problem "Persistent computer rejection by DESTINATION" - Wow, that's an interesting error. What's your DB system, MySQL?
Verify your DB connection, in Symfony4 you should define your connection string in an environment variable named "DATABASE_URL". Something like this

// .env

Also, verify that your DB server is up and running



Sorry for late I temporany left the project due to another project deadlines. So I followed this tutorial:


So I have configured the .env putting a password and a server name, but when I try to create a server using
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
It prints me the same error as written before: "Persistent computer rejection by DESTINATION"

Do I have to set a local db using MySql? I have never used before MySql, so I would like to know if it's possibile to use PostgreSql with Symfony/Docrine.


Ohh, so you are using a third party for your Database, like RDS from Amazon? If that's the case, you can use it, you only have to tweak the connection string

> Do I have to set a local db using MySql? I have never used before MySql, so I would like to know if it's possibile to use PostgreSql with Symfony/Docrine.

Symfony doesn't care about which DB engine you use, but Doctrine does. I'm not sure if Doctrine supports Postgres but you may want to do a quick search about it. Anyway, using MySql is pretty easy, so you may want to give it a try ;) (And, yes, you would have to set up a local MySql server)


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Default user avatar Lavin Bassam | posted 4 years ago

done smooth no problem and error :) i wanna ask question can i alter router annotation when the user done register? or like i wanna change the router from localhost/register into bookstore/register


Hey Lavin Bassam!

Yep, you should be able to control this. The routes (and URLs) are provided by the bundle itself. However, when you import the routes, you are able to add a "prefix". Normally, you import ALL of the routes at the same time - https://symfony.com/doc/master/bundles/FOSUserBundle/index.html#step-6-import-fosuserbundle-routing-files

But, instead of importing all.xml, you can include each of the routing files one-by-one. And when you do THAT, you can add a prefix to the registration.xml import - https://symfony.com/doc/master/bundles/FOSUserBundle/routing.html

Let me know if that helps! If you want to redirect to a different URL after a successful registration, the best way to do that is to listen to the REGISTRATION_COMPLETED event. You will be passed a FilterUserResponseEvent object, and you can create a new RedirectResponse to a different url and call $event->setResponse() to set your new Response on that object.

If any of this doesn't make sense, let us know.


Gustavo C. Avatar
Gustavo C. Avatar Gustavo C. | posted 4 years ago

thanks for free videos !!

Timothy J. Avatar
Timothy J. Avatar Timothy J. | posted 4 years ago

Running Symfony 4.1 and found the doctrine:migrations:generate and diff commands just created migrations with VOID inside (ie there was no SQL), so then running migrate would create/update the migration version table but not create the users table. However running doctrine:schema:update --force and it worked!!! Is this a Symfony 4 thing, or could I have done something wrong?


Hey Timothy J.!

Hmm, that is super strange! Well, sort of strange :). The doctrine:migrations:generate always creates empty migrations. But, the doctrine:migrations:diff command "should" (with quotes... because sometimes surprises happen in tech!) behave the exact same way as doctrine:schema:update. In fact, they use the same code behind the scenes to determine what queries to generate.

So, question time :).

1) Are you sure you tried running doctrine:migrations:diff?
2) Can you still repeat this? Like, if you drop your database and run doctrine:migrations:diff, is it still empty?

There's nothing special related to Symfony 4 for all of this. It's *possible* there's some misconfiguration... but I really can't imagine what it is!


Default user avatar

Can you tell me please the plugins for the sublime text you are using? The new file plugins which let you add different types of files with the right button. Thank you.


Hey cescou

For this course (and actually for every course) Ryan uses PhpStorm as his text editor. I'm not sure if there exists the same plugins for Sublime as in PhpStorm, but maybe they do?

Have a nice day

Default user avatar

Thank you! I need to buy new glasses ;)

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Default user avatar Kim Morse | posted 5 years ago

Following along with the new fosuserbundle tutorial. The command .'/bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff' throws a command not found exception. The note says to install the DoctrineMigrationsBundle. Following this link the said mentioned command is again listed and results in the same error. Help I'm stuck in an endless loop LOL.


Hey Kim,

You're right, the command is valid. But did you install the DoctrineMigrationsBundle properly? :) There're a few steps you need to do to install it by following that link:
1. Require this bundle with "$ composer require doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle"
2. Add "new Doctrine\Bundle\MigrationsBundle\DoctrineMigrationsBundle()," line to the app/Kernel.php file to register the bundle.

And then "./bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff" should work well.



Where can I learn more about ajax login/register (in modal windows)?


Hey Alexey,

Unfortunately, we do not have exactly this screencast, but I have a few link where you can find useful for you information:
- https://knpuniversity.com/s... - here's how you can send forms via AJAX.
- https://knpuniversity.com/s... - here's how you can handle an AJAX response.

So along the next screencast https://knpuniversity.com/s... you can create and render your login/register forms, but then intercept their sending with JS and send data with AJAX to the controller where you handle the request and return a JSON response for example which will say was the login/register successful or form has some errors. You can also do it along FOSUserBundle https://knpuniversity.com/s... , but probably you'll need to customize some third-party code by overriding it because FOSUserBundle does not work via AJAX out-of-the-box, so it could be more complex because you'll need to customize their actions, or write completely new ones.


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Default user avatar marlenesco | posted 5 years ago

Awesome tutorial, there's a possibility to use xml mapping instead of annotation in User entity?


Hey marlenesco

Of course is possible, but I would recommend you to use "yaml" instead of "xml", well, because, no body enjoys reading xml
If you have "auto_mapping" enabled (this is a default), then you just have to store your files inside "Resources/config/doctrine" (in your bundle) and Symfony will find them, but do not try to use more than one type of mapping, because Symfony reads only one type of mapping.

You can get more detailed information here: https://symfony.com/doc/3.3...


Default user avatar
Default user avatar Robert Went | posted 5 years ago | edited

I'm getting an error when trying to register a user. It looks like the password fiedls aren't getting registered:

An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO `user` (username, username_canonical, email, email_canonical, enabled, salt, password, last_login, confirmation_token, password_requested_at, roles) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["aquanaut1", "aquanaut1", "aquanaut1@gmail.com", "aquanaut1@gmail.com", 1, null, null, null, null, null, "a:0:{}"]:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'password' cannot be null```

I noticed in composer.json that the user bundle wasn't registered, but after running the install command again I got green lights in the console and it was in the required section of composer.json.

Google's not being too helpful. Has anyone else seen this error?

Update: I'm getting the same with the finish folder in the sample code.
I'm assuming it's something to do with php7.1/zendserver but I can't test anywhere else at the moment :(

Hey Robert,

Hm, most likely this error is due to unfired event listener from FOSUserBundle which encodes plain password and sets the encoded password with User::setPassword() (IIRC the password is encoded and set in event listener in FOSUserBundle). Do you get this error in the prod environment? Because to update configuration you need to clear the prod cache after you install and configure the FOSUserBundle. You said you had got the same error with our downloaded Course Code. Did you update our code from the finish/ directory to Symfony 3.3 ? Because I can't reproduce it by myself: I downloaded the Course Code, went to the finish/ dir, installed composer dependencies, created DB, ran migrations, loaded fixtures, ran the Symfony web server, then went to /register page in dev environment and registered new user without any errors. Im I missing some steps? And one more question, what PHP version do you use? I tested it on PHP 7.1.5.


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Default user avatar Robert Went | Victor | posted 5 years ago


Those are the exact steps I took with the finish folder. Just installed, not updated (Although I did try updating later on but the error wwas the same).
I'm running php 7.1.3, same error in prod
Just about to try the same steps with a blank symfony project and see if that's the same.
I had no issues with the security chapter of the symfony 3 course.


Let us know what you find out! It's weird because - if the bundle is not installed in composer or in AppKernel, then you won't even be able to get to /register at all. The fact that you could get there... but it failed on submit... that's the strange part ;).


Default user avatar

Hi Ryan,
I did install the FOSUserBundle and go through all the steps, it just errored out when posting the form.
I posted a reply above about it working fine with the blank project. It seems to be something specific with the sample data and my server.
I had another go with the start folder since then and tried various things like updating different packages one by one to match the symfony installer versions, changing session save path to match and other diferences I could see, but it always gves the same errors so I'm totally stumped.
Need to move on now though.

Default user avatar

Hey Ryan,

I've been looking into FOSUserBundle regarding the different opinions about using it. There's some intense views out there!

In some conversations the KNPuGuard was mentioned (Which i assume was you guys) and that it is now part of Symfony 3 and that FOSUserBundle isn't really needed anymore.

Sooo, my question really is, should I stick with the Symfony 3 track to build my own, or go with the bundle and learn how to override and extend? (As a noob, wanting to get going, but also taking the right routes at the start if possible!)


Hey Robert

I went through the same case and I ended using FOSUserBundle, because it gives you a lot of free functionalities, and if anything you don't like it, you can override it without too much problems, but, if what you want is to learn things, you should build your own


Default user avatar

Thank Diego,
I think that's probably the way I'm going to go.
From the Symfony 3 track, it seemed pretty easy to roll your own, but when I think about all the extra bits like email notifications and forgotten passwords I think it's probably going to take more time than I initially thought. Time that could go into the actual main point of the app :)


Exactly! Let's focus in what's more relevant to the project, if you can fill any gap with third party bundles, just do it :)

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Default user avatar Robert Went | Victor | posted 5 years ago

I installed a blank project (3.3) with the symfony installer (and added doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle) and then went through the exact same steps and registration works as expected, the user is added to the database with an encrypted password.

I just started again from scratch with the start folder of the project files taking the same steps and got the same errors again when trying to register.

I'm not really sure where the problem is, but I'm going to try and continue the course using the blank project.

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Default user avatar eandres | posted 5 years ago

Help please, i have this message:

In CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass.php line 32:

The service "fos_user.mailer" has a dependency on a non-existent service "templating".

I use Symfony 3.4

Default user avatar

In Symfony 3.4 and FosUserBundle 2.0, add a service mailer into the fos_user config:

db_driver: orm # other valid values are 'mongodb' and 'couchdb'
firewall_name: main
user_class: AppBundle\Entity\User
service: # this lines
mailer: fos_user.mailer.twig_swift # this lines
address: "%mailer_user%"
sender_name: "%mailer_user%


Hey eandres

Look's like that for some reason you are still using the default mailer instead of "fos_user.mailer.twig_swift". Try clearing the cache "$ php bin/console clear:cache"
I believe since Symfony 3.4 the templating service does not come out of the box (I may be wrong on this and if that's the case, for some reason you have it disabled) and the default mailer depends on it, so that's why you are getting that error

I hope it helps you even a bit. Cheers!

Default user avatar
Default user avatar Amin Gharbi | posted 5 years ago

i'm working with symfony4.1 but it's not the same directory hierarchy in this project , plz i need help with project , i don't have alot of time . please can someoe help me


Hey Amin Gharbi

Can you give us some context about your current problem?


1 Reply
Default user avatar

heyy @diego aguiar , thanks for replying , to be honest i'm new to symfony , i'm trying to make a E-learning website and while trying to implement FOSUser bundle i tryed to follow you through the video but but i don't have the same directory hierarchy , i don't know what to do , should I download your same project and try delete the content you have on the website of aquanote or download a virgin one . can you give me your email

Default user avatar

i don't know if this is right , but can you do me a favor? i want to give me tips or steps or videos to use . for exemple should i use symfony 4.* or 3.* ? what should i do step by step , you'll save a life .


If you haven't use Symfony3 before, then is an excellent moment to start using Symfony4 (Because S4 has many structural changes)
The first thing you should do is to get familiar with the framework and understand what it gives you. We are releasing a new serie about Symfony4, so I highly recommend you to watch it (https://knpuniversity.com/t... )
In our Symfony3 serie we have covered a lot more ground, and if there is a topic you want to learn, you can still watch it and learn many things, of course, there will be some differences, but for the majority you will be able to overcome them, or you can leave us a message on the comments.

So, after getting familiar with Symfony and watching our tutorials, then you can watch how Ryan implements an E-commerce site using Symfony + Stripe (https://knpuniversity.com/t... )

Oh, btw, Symfony docs are also a great place for undestanding the guts of the framework.


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Default user avatar Islam Elshobokshy | posted 5 years ago

Can't find ORM Class in the generate menu :(


Hey Islam!

When does that happens ? Could you show me the stack trace or a bit more about the error you are getting ?
I think you are just missing a library, try running "composer install" again


Cat in space

"Houston: no signs of life"
Start the conversation!

What PHP libraries does this tutorial use?

// composer.json
    "require": {
        "php": ">=5.5.9",
        "symfony/symfony": "3.3.*", // v3.3.18
        "doctrine/orm": "^2.5", // v2.7.0
        "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "^1.6", // 1.10.3
        "doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle": "^1.2", // 1.3.5
        "symfony/swiftmailer-bundle": "^2.3", // v2.5.4
        "symfony/monolog-bundle": "^2.8", // v2.12.1
        "symfony/polyfill-apcu": "^1.0", // v1.3.0
        "sensio/distribution-bundle": "^5.0", // v5.0.18
        "sensio/framework-extra-bundle": "^3.0.2", // v3.0.25
        "incenteev/composer-parameter-handler": "^2.0", // v2.1.2
        "knplabs/knp-markdown-bundle": "^1.4", // 1.5.1
        "doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle": "^1.1", // v1.3.2
        "composer/package-versions-deprecated": "^1.11", // 1.11.99
        "friendsofsymfony/user-bundle": "^2.0" // v2.0.0
    "require-dev": {
        "sensio/generator-bundle": "^3.0", // v3.1.4
        "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "^3.0", // v3.2.7
        "nelmio/alice": "^2.1", // v2.3.1
        "doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "^2.3", // v2.4.1
        "symfony/web-server-bundle": "^3.3"