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We have the bundle! Plug it in! Open up the AppKernel
class and add it
// app/AppKernel.php
// ...
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\DoctrineFixturesBundle(),
To see if it's working, try getting help information on a new doctrine:fixtures:load
console task that comes from the bundle:
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --help
We see the help information, so we're ready to write some fixtures.
A fixture is just a PHP class that puts some stuff into the database.
Create a new file in the DataFixtures\ORM
directory of your bundle. Let's
call it LoadEvents.php
, though the name doesn't matter.
Create an src/Yoda/EventBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/LoadEvents.php
To breathe life into this, copy and paste the example from the docs. Change the namespace above the class to match our project. Notice that the namespace always follows the directory structure of the file:
// src/Yoda/EventBundle/DataFixtures/ORM/LoadEvents.php
namespace Yoda\EventBundle\DataFixtures\ORM;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\FixtureInterface;
use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;
class LoadEvents implements FixtureInterface
public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
// .. todo
Now we just use normal Doctrine code to create and save events. This is the
file all over again:
use Yoda\EventBundle\Entity\Event;
// ...
public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
$event1 = new Event();
$event1->setName('Darth\'s Birthday Party!');
$event1->setTime(new \DateTime('tomorrow noon'));
$event1->setDetails('Ha! Darth HATES surprises!!!');
$event2 = new Event();
$event2->setName('Rebellion Fundraiser Bake Sale!');
$event2->setTime(new \DateTime('Thursday noon'));
$event2->setDetails('Ewok pies! Support the rebellion!');
// the queries aren't done until now
Notice that we only need to call flush
once. Doctrine prepares all of
its work and then sends the queries as efficiently as possible all at once.
Ok, let's load some fixtures. Go back to the console and try the new doctrine:fixtures:load
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
When we look at the site, we've got fresh dummy data to play with. Re-run the command whenever you want to start over: it deletes everything and inserts the fixtures in a fresh state.
If you'd rather add to the existing data, just pass the --append
"Houston: no signs of life"
Start the conversation!
// composer.json
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.3",
"symfony/symfony": "~2.4", // v2.4.2
"doctrine/orm": "~2.2,>=2.2.3", // v2.4.2
"doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "~1.2", // v1.2.0
"twig/extensions": "~1.0", // v1.0.1
"symfony/assetic-bundle": "~2.3", // v2.3.0
"symfony/swiftmailer-bundle": "~2.3", // v2.3.5
"symfony/monolog-bundle": "~2.4", // v2.5.0
"sensio/distribution-bundle": "~2.3", // v2.3.4
"sensio/framework-extra-bundle": "~3.0", // v3.0.0
"sensio/generator-bundle": "~2.3", // v2.3.4
"incenteev/composer-parameter-handler": "~2.0", // v2.1.0
"doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "~2.2.0" // v2.2.0